0824-PBX Cloud-Hosted PBX
0824-PBX is a revolutionary new service that gives you a full hosted SIP business switchboard and phone number(s) using just your existing mobile phones, or our array of market leading VoIP handsets. No onsite infrastruture needed, be up and running countrywide in mere hours with unlimited user capability. Check it out now, it’s the way of the future!
On-Site PBX Solutions
Our on-site PBX systems are state of the art onsite digital SIP VoIP devices that cater for all sizes of Namibian business, from SME to very large, and can optionally include our cost effective GSM connectivity services.
MORE INFOFixed Cellular Voice Call Solutions
Our bulletproof, tried-and-tested voice call solutions include both standalone home and office phones, and reliable cost effective switchboard connectivity via fixed-cellular GSM telephone lines.